
How to bind a kernel patches to different recipes

I have two similar boards. I want to write a recipe for each of them. But they will have different kernel patches.How to do it better? Or Should I add new machines to the build?

I added my-machine to mylayer/local.conf

MACHINEOVERRIDES = "imx8qmmek:my-machine"

I created mylayer/recipex-kernel/linux/linux-imx_%.bbappend with my-patch:

SRC_URI_imx8qmmek += " file://0001-add-modified-dts.patch "
SRC_URI_imx8qmmek += " file://0002-EP4668-wifi-bt-modified-dts.patch "
SRC_URI_imx8qmmek += " file://0003-EP4822-enable-USB3-hub.patch "
SRC_URI_my-machine += " file://0004-EP4827-comment-usdhc3.tcu.patch "
SRC_URI_imx8qmmek += " file://EP4133_added_BRCM-PCIE.cfg"

do_configure_append_imx8qmmek() {

    bbnote "adding BRCM-PCIE configuration ${PN}"
        cat ../*.cfg >> ${B}/.config


And I run command:

MACHINE="my-machine" bitbake -c clean linux-imx

But a terminal outputed the error: WARNING: Layer meta-mylayer should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_mylayer in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with. WARNING: Layer meta-mylayer should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meta-mylayer in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with. WARNING: You have included the meta-gnome layer, but 'x11' has not been enabled in your DISTRO_FEATURES. Some bbappend files may not take effect. See the meta-gnome README for details on enabling meta-gnome support. WARNING: Host distribution "ubuntu-18.04" has not been validated with this version of the build system; you may possibly experience unexpected failures. It is recommended that you use a tested distribution. ERROR: OE-core's config sanity checker detected a potential misconfiguration. Either fix the cause of this error or at your own risk disable the checker (see sanity.conf). Following is the list of potential problems / advisories:

MACHINE=my-machine is invalid. Please set a valid MACHINE in your local.conf, environment or other configuration file.


  • Similar != identical. If they are indeed slightly different, then two machines is the way to go. If they are sufficiently similar (to be determined by yourself :) ), different distros is also an option. All depends on how different the machines are and how different the final images should be (might need two machines or two distros or both).

    If you have two similar machines but need two machine configuration files, put most of the common code into an .inc required by both machines. Don't forget to put a MACHINEOVERRIDES somewhere in that inc file with a name that will make sense for both machines (e.g., if you have rpi3-lcd and rpi3-iot, have an rpi3-common.inc with rpi3-common added to MACHINEOVERRIDES). This will make it possible to use VAR_rpi3-common in recipes that have patches or machine specific stuff in your recipes to apply to both without needing VAR_rpi3-lcd AND VAR_rpi3-iot.