
apache2 not executing php statements in opensuse linux

i have apache2 running as a local server. I had a wordpress site on localhost running happily. In trying to enable running phpMyAdmin apache2 somehow stopped executing php code, and I've been unable to re-enable it. any help most gratefully received


  • This is a configuration issue.

    There should be a line:

    LoadModule php7_module        modules/ 


    <FilesMatch "\.ph(p?|tml)$"> 
         SetHandler application/x-httpd-php 

    This will configure all files that start with ph. Like .php and .phtml. The handler defines which extension files are processed by PHP.

    If you need to have .html files processed by PHP as well, you can put:

    <FilesMatch ".html)$"> 
         SetHandler application/x-httpd-php 

    Note that all your .html files would then be processes through the PHP interpreter.