
Terminal issue, MicroPythonREPL

I'm using PyCharm to do some kinds of stuff on ESP32, It's ongoing, but I can't use the terminal correctly. MicroPython REPL doesn't seem to work. I can't do serial commands on the terminal.

I'm using a venv to do it, and maybe the problem is something related to it.

In normal cases, this is the terminal: Device path COM[x] Quit: Ctrl+] | stop program: Ctrl+C | Reset: Ctrl+D


In my case, it's like this: Microsoft Windows [versão 10.0.18363.1016] (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.

(venv) C:\Users\user\PycharmProjects\networktest> ...

So I can't do any command in my terminal, anyone can help?


  • Have you tried using a Terminal program like PuTTY, using the com port identified for the ESP32 to establish a REPL?

    Can you see the board/com port in Device Manager or as a drive in Windows Explorer?

    These steps might help isolate the problem to either Pycharm, or the board itself?