I have a query that takes pageable as a parameter. I define the direction as DESC but this takes no effect. This is my request. Could you please help me formulate the requests in a way that the results come back sorted in descending order? I have posted my request in the picture below. It works but it does not sort the results
This is the controller code:
fun listMessages(@RequestParam conversationRef: String,
@RequestParam fromDate: Instant, @RequestParam toDate: Instant,
pageable: Pageable): PaginatedCollection<MessageVO> {
return messageService.listAll(fromDate, toDate, pageable,
conversationRef).data ?: PaginatedCollection(listOf(),
PaginationVO.build(), SortVO.build())
You need to send sort field for which you want to sort by descending.(Ref) Ex:
Here id
is sort field and desc
is sort direction separated by a comma.
So, you need to send id,desc
on sort
param in PostMan for sort by id
in desecending order.