I have a table that I am building using reactable in R, and want to add a title with the same font I am using in the table itself. I figured out how to add a title, but how do I change the font?
reactable(head(iris, 10),
style = list(fontFamily = 'Menlo',
fontSize = '14px'),
highlight = TRUE) %>%
htmlwidgets::prependContent(htmltools::tags$h1("This is my Title"))
You can set the style when you add the tag. Right clicking on the column titles show that they are using font-family: Menlo
(the result of you asking for fontFamily = 'Menlo'
), so this gives you the same font:
reactable(head(iris, 10),
style = list(fontFamily = 'Menlo',
fontSize = '14px'),
highlight = TRUE) %>%
htmlwidgets::prependContent(htmltools::tags$h1("This is my Title",
style = "font-family: Menlo"))
You would use style = "font-family: Menlo; font-size: 14px"
to match the size as well.