
How to use bitcoin -rpcwallet flag in deno RPC

I want to create an address in a wallet with bitcoin-cli, the command for this will look like this for the loaded wallet bitcoin-cli getnewaddress some_users and with Deno I can just do

import { createRemote } from "";

let Node = new URL("");
Node.port = "8332";
Node.username = "some_user";
Node.password = "some_password";

const remote = createRemote(Node);

const address = remote.getnewaddress(addressLabel);

I would love to know how to use deno rpc for cases where I need to specify the -rpcwallet flag, like this bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=some_unique_wallet getnewaddress some_users


  • So after reading the doc further, I realised I can do this by passing the wallet name to the url like this${walletName} or just this for the default wallet.

    So the code will look like this,

        createConnection(walletName?: string) {
            const uri = !!walletName ? 
                '${walletName}' : 
            let Node = new URL(uri);
            Node.port = "8332";
            Node.username = "some_user";
            Node.password = "some_password";
            return createRemote(Node);