
Flask: orjson instead of json module for decoding

I'm using flask and have a lot of requests. The json module, which is used by flask, is quite slow. I automatically can use simplejson, but thats a bit slower, not faster. According to the documentation I can define a decoder (flask.json_decoder), but orjson doesn't have this class. I only have the function loads and dumps. Can somebody explain me, how I can exchange the json module with orjson? In the end I just want to use the loads and dumps function, but I can't connect my loose ends.


  • a very basic implementation could look like this:

    class ORJSONDecoder:
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            # eventually take into consideration when deserializing
            self.options = kwargs
        def decode(self, obj):
            return orjson.loads(obj)
    class ORJSONEncoder:
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            # eventually take into consideration when serializing
            self.options = kwargs
        def encode(self, obj):
            # decode back to str, as orjson returns bytes
            return orjson.dumps(obj).decode('utf-8')
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.json_encoder = ORJSONEncoder
    app.json_decoder = ORJSONDecoder