
apartment gem - not creating tables postgresql

Rails 5.x , postgres , apartment gem

only below two tables created when Apartment::Tenant.create('microsoft') other 20 tables are not created, still in public schemas. microsoft schema created but not tables

enter image description here

Here is my apartment.rb

config.excluded_models = %w{ Account }

and tenant names

config.tenant_names = lambda { Account.pluck :domain }

use schemas

config.use_schemas = true

when I do rake db:migrate it is not creating anything on schema.rb whereas I created a new app with apartment. its generating another set of migration inside schema.rb.

eg: create_table "companies", force: :cascade do |t|


  • sql format enabled config/application.rb

    config.active_record.schema_format = :sql

    as mentioned in the apartment config,

    Apartment can be forced to use raw SQL dumps instead of schema.rb for creating new schemas. Use this when you are using some extra features in PostgreSQL that can't be represented in schema.rb, like materialized views etc. (only applies with use_schemas set to true). (Note: this option doesn't use db/structure.sql, it creates SQL dump by executing pg_dump)

    config.use_sql = true

    fixed the issue.