
putObject upload broken files on S3 only when its by API

I have a problem when i try to upload a file on S3 through my API

I use the "putObject" method, and the thing that surprise me it's it work when i run my serverless application locally, with serverless-offline, i can push the all file on s3 and i can open it

But when i deploy my application on API Gateway, if i use the API Gateway route, the file is lightweight than original, and i can't open it, it tell me that the file is corrupted

If anyone has an idea, it could really help me


My putObject method looks like this

const bucketName = _.get(getBucket,'bucketName');
        const extension = _.get(data,'media.filename').split('.').pop();
        const keyName = _.get(data,'keyName') + '.' + extension;
        const content = _.get(data,'media.content')
        let params = {
            Bucket: bucketName,
            Key: keyName,
            ContentType: _.get(data,'media.contentType'),
            Body: content,
            ACL: 'public-read'

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        s3.putObject(params, function(err, data) {
                reject(console.log(err)) :
                    response(200,"Object Added")


  • Uploading files via ApiGateway is not a good idea, I'd strongly advise using resigned URL

    If you want to upload through ApiGateway, than provided information is not enough. Try to log the received lambda event, that should help