
Reference a Cell as the Name of a Sheet in Another Workbook

I have ~400 sheets spread through multiple workbooks (on purpose). Each sheet is the scoring for an entry in an award competition.

I have a master scorecard sheet that grabs the score from each sheet, regardless of what workbook it is in. I have been able to set up the formula so, if I hardcode the name of the sheet in some other workbook, it correctly grabs the data:


But this requires identifying SHEETNAME in every instance of this formula. I would rather create a single column that lists the names of each sheet, and then for a given row, have that row's formulas all look to the cell with the sheet name.

I've tried using INDIRECT but had no luck. I think I am close:


I've tried variations of quotes and moving parenthesis with no luck.


  • The second argument of IMPORTRANGE should be text value (string) so you can concatenate the sheet name to the cell / range reference. I.E. if A1 has the sheet name use



    INDIRECT function can't be used because it returns a reference as if it is directly written in the formula, i.e.


    is the same as


    but IMPORTRANGE requires that the second argument be a text value, so the above will only work when A1 has something like A1:Z or Sheet1!A1:Z (without the equal or plus sign)

    Arrays can't be used as arguments of IMPORTRANGE. In other words, something like


    doesn't work. In this case the alternative is to use multiple IMPORTRANGE, one for each reference.
