
How can I collect all print previews created from for loop in vba?

I have a list box from which I want to print preview reports for all of the selected customers in single print preview. There is a video on youtube related to this --> https://youtu.be/962Hd4akras , which gives some idea about how it can be achieved, if you have data on separate sheets. But in my case I am using for loops to get data for selected customers. I'm collecting data one by one and putting it into a sheet where I have some formatting done. My code gives separate print previews for each selected customer. But what I want is to get combined print preview for all the customers(Multipage print preview). Here is my code. Note:I have fixed worksheet as well print area.

Sub SlipMacro2()

'Getting customer code number

Dim i, c, d As Long, FarmerCode As Integer
Dim SlipArray() As Integer

With PaymentMaster.lstDatabase
    For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
        If .Selected(i) Then
            ReDim Preserve SlipArray(c)
            SlipArray(c) = .List(i)
            c = c + 1
        End If
    Next i
End With

For d = 0 To c - 1

    FarmerCode = SlipArray(d)

'Copying information 

    Dim pd, ps As Worksheet
    Set pd = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("purchasedata")
    Set ps = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("paymentslip")

    Dim a, lr, j, b As Integer

    With PaymentMaster
        a = CDate(.TextBox2.Value) - CDate(.TextBox1.Value)
        lr = pd.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        ps.Range("I5") = CDate(.TextBox1.Value)
        ps.Range("L5") = CDate(.TextBox2.Value)
        ps.Range("C5") = FarmerCode
        For j = 0 To a
            For b = 2 To lr
                If CDate(.TextBox1.Value) + j = pd.Range("B" & b) And pd.Range("D" & b) = FarmerCode Then
                    ps.Range("B" & j + 8) = CDate(.TextBox1.Value) + j
                    If pd.Range("C" & b) = "Morning" Then
                        ps.Range("C" & j + 8) = pd.Range("E" & b)
                        ps.Range("D" & j + 8) = pd.Range("F" & b)
                        ps.Range("E" & j + 8) = pd.Range("G" & b)
                        ps.Range("F" & j + 8) = pd.Range("H" & b)
                        ps.Range("G" & j + 8) = pd.Range("I" & b)
                        ps.Range("H" & j + 8) = pd.Range("J" & b)
                    ElseIf pd.Range("C" & b) = "Evening" Then
                        ps.Range("I" & j + 8) = pd.Range("E" & b)
                        ps.Range("J" & j + 8) = pd.Range("F" & b)
                        ps.Range("K" & j + 8) = pd.Range("G" & b)
                        ps.Range("L" & j + 8) = pd.Range("H" & b)
                        ps.Range("M" & j + 8) = pd.Range("I" & b)
                        ps.Range("N" & j + 8) = pd.Range("J" & b)
                    End If
                End If
            Next b
        Next j
    End With

Next d

End Sub


  • Sorry for all the trouble, I found following solution for it

    Sub SlipMacro2()
    Dim i, c, d As Long, FarmerCode As Integer
    Dim SlipArray() As String
    With PaymentMaster.lstDatabase
        For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
            If .Selected(i) Then
                ReDim Preserve SlipArray(c)
                SlipArray(c) = .List(i)
                c = c + 1
            End If
        Next i
    End With
    For d = 0 To c - 1
        FarmerCode = SlipArray(d)
        Dim pd, ps As Worksheet
        Set pd = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("purchasedata")
        Set ps = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("paymentslip")
        Dim a, lr, j, b As Integer
        With PaymentMaster
            a = CDate(.TextBox2.Value) - CDate(.TextBox1.Value)
            lr = pd.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
            ps.Range("I5") = CDate(.TextBox1.Value)
            ps.Range("L5") = CDate(.TextBox2.Value)
            ps.Range("C5") = FarmerCode
            For j = 0 To a
                For b = 2 To lr
                    If CDate(.TextBox1.Value) + j = pd.Range("B" & b) And pd.Range("D" & b) = FarmerCode Then
                        ps.Range("B" & j + 8) = CDate(.TextBox1.Value) + j
                        If pd.Range("C" & b) = "Morning" Then
                            ps.Range("C" & j + 8) = pd.Range("E" & b)
                            ps.Range("D" & j + 8) = pd.Range("F" & b)
                            ps.Range("E" & j + 8) = pd.Range("G" & b)
                            ps.Range("F" & j + 8) = pd.Range("H" & b)
                            ps.Range("G" & j + 8) = pd.Range("I" & b)
                            ps.Range("H" & j + 8) = pd.Range("J" & b)
                        ElseIf pd.Range("C" & b) = "Evening" Then
                            ps.Range("I" & j + 8) = pd.Range("E" & b)
                            ps.Range("J" & j + 8) = pd.Range("F" & b)
                            ps.Range("K" & j + 8) = pd.Range("G" & b)
                            ps.Range("L" & j + 8) = pd.Range("H" & b)
                            ps.Range("M" & j + 8) = pd.Range("I" & b)
                            ps.Range("N" & j + 8) = pd.Range("J" & b)
                        End If
                    End If
                Next b
            Next j
        End With
    ps.Copy after:=ps
    ActiveSheet.Name = FarmerCode
    Next d
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub