We have a Installer build server for obfuscate and build installation file for our .Net project.
When developers commit dll files, we want to obfuscate automatically.
But the problem is; sometimes developers are able to obfuscate before committing. If a file is obfuscate 2 times, it causes an error.
For this reason, we need to understand if the incoming file is obfuscated or not.
We are using dotNET_Reactor.Console.exe for obfuscation.
So How can we detect The ".Net assembly" is already ofbuscated.
Thanks in advance.
Edit-Explanation: Thank you for the negative points you gave to such a clear question. (for my previous question)
if you don't understand then let me explain.
I don't know how much more descriptive I can be.
From Eziris' Support
Hello Fatih,
If you tell .NET Reactor to directly replace the original assembly with the protected one (parameter -targetfile "<AssemblyFileName>") it will create a special file (with file extension .hash). The next time you try to protect the already protected assembly again, .NET Reactor will automatically recognize that the assembly was already protected and closes the process without throwing an exception.
If you require further information, please let me know.
Thank you.
Best regards, -- Denis Mierzwiak Chief Technical Officer
EZIRIZ | www.eziriz.com support@eziriz.com
To summarize; Using the CLI creates an .hash file. This file does not occur in GUI. This .hash file prevents the file from being obfuscated twice.