
onSelectNotification Navigator not working if app closed flutter

onSelectNotification when good when app open

  Future<void> onSelectNotification(String payload) async {
    Category category = Category();
    category.id = notification.idNew;
    category.email = notification.mainphoto;
    category.since = notification.since;
    category.name = notification.title;
    await Navigator.push(
            builder: (context) => FourthRoute(
                  category: category,

when open and click at notification it's go to FourthRoute

but when closed it's just open app Navigator not working

problem at ios and android

i was think to use SharedPreferences inside onSelectNotification to save key and check it later

but i read dart not working when app closed


  • the Navigator has to be wrapped as child in MaterialApp widget, otherwise, you have to use navKey to refer you materialApp.

    1. final navKey = new GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
    2. MaterialAPP(title: 'title', ..., navigatorKey: navKey)
    3. And then use the key to route to your widget, 
    navKey.currentState.push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => NewRoute()));