
NetSuite : FreeMarker/BFO Images Cutting Off at Page Break

I have a Rich Text Field inside NetSuite with multiple images. Unfortunately, the images that don't fit on the first page/same page, are NOT getting pushed down to a second page after generating the Advanced PDF. Instead, BFO just cuts-off the image at page break. Any suggestions on how I can address this issue? It was recommended that I put my data into tables, as well as use page-break-inside, but the same image still cuts-off at the page break.

Advanced PDF:

<table page-break-inside="auto">
   <td>${result.custevent_images?replace('&amp;', '&#38;')?replace('">', '"/>')}</td>

NetSuite Rich Text Field:

<table page-break-inside="auto">


  • Ended up having to split the images. For good measure, I also had to encode the '&' as well as the closing '/' tags that get removed by NetSuite after the field is edited.

     <table style="width:100%;" page-break-before="always">
         <#list result.custevent_images?split("<br />") as x>
                        <td>${x?replace('&amp;', '&#38;')?replace('">', '"/>')}</td>