
Comma Community release 2020.07.0 sun/javafx/PlatformUtil problem

Update (2020-11-03)

The issue described in the original post is resolved. I have no problems running Raku scripts with:

Original post

I program in Raku and I am trying to use Comma Community release 2020.07.0 with IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 and 2020.2.1 (Community Edition) on Mac OS 10.15.6.

When I try to run a configured script I am getting the error "Error running 'Examples': com/sun/javafx/PlatformUtil" :


I did numerous searches on the web to find suggestions to fix this and nothing I tried worked. So, I reverted to using IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.4 .

Any suggestions how to get Commaide working in IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.1 ?


  • Unfortunately, there's probably not much to be done other than waiting for a newer Comma release.

    Ideally, the Comma plugin would Just Work against newer versions of IntelliJ. While JetBrains mostly do a good job of retaining compatibility, or at least of deprecating things in one release and removing them in a later release so there's a chance to keep up, experience tells that if one is touching enough of the platform, there will often be something or other that gets broken by updates. Comma uses a significant amount of the IntelliJ platform API, and evidently something it depended on has changed in an incompatible way.