
Discrepancy in calculating graph coloring code complexity

Consider the code below. Suppose the graph in question has N nodes with at most D neighbors for each node, and D+1 colors are available for coloring the nodes such that no two nodes connected with an edge have the same color assigned to them. I reckon the complexity of the code below is O(N*D) because for each of the N nodes we loop through the at most D neighbors of that node to populate the set illegal_colors, and then iterate through colors list that comprises D+1 colors. But the complexity given is O(N+M) where M is the number of edges. What am I doing wrong here?

def color_graph(graph, colors):
    for node in graph:
        if node in node.neighbors:
            raise Exception('Legal coloring impossible for node with loop: %s' %

        # Get the node's neighbors' colors, as a set so we
        # can check if a color is illegal in constant time
        illegal_colors = set([
            for neighbor in node.neighbors
            if neighbor.color

        # Assign the first legal color
        for color in colors:
            if color not in illegal_colors:
                node.color = color


  • The number of edges M, the maximum degree D and the number of nodes N satisfy the inequality: M <= N * D / 2.

    Therefore O(N+M) is included in O(N*(D+1)).

    In your algorithm, you loop over every neighbour of every node. The exact complexity of that is not N*D, but d1 + d2 + d3 + ... + dN where di is the degree of node i. This sum is equal to 2*M, which is at most N*D but might be less.

    Therefore the complexity of your algorithm is O(N+M). Hence it is also O(N*(D+1)). Note that O(N*(D+1)) = O(N*D) under the assumption D >= 1.

    Saying your algorithm runs in O(N+M) is slightly more precise than saying it runs in O(N*D). If most nodes have a lot fewer than D neighbours, then M+N might be much smaller than N*D.

    Also note that O(M+N) = O(M) under the assumption that every node has at least one neighbour.