
Trying to use a variable in a SQL WHERE IN statement

I'm trying to use a @List Table to feed a Where IN statement. I keep getting the error, "Must Declare the scalar variable "@List".

I know I can simply use the select statement in the WHERE IN part, but I'm needing to find out conceptually if this is possible for a larger SQL statement that I can't share the whole thing.

DECLARE @EarliestDate date Set @EarliestDate = '2020-01-01'

DECLARE @LatestDate date Set @LatestDate = '2020-01-05'

DECLARE @List TABLE(DATAPOINT varchar(20))   

INSERT INTO @List SELECT number1  + CONVERT(varchar(5),number2)  
INNER JOIN msts tb2 on tbl1.j = tbl2.j and tbl1.s = tbl2.s
 INNER JOIN tbl3  on tbl3.r = tbl1.j and tbl3.re = tbl1.s                                                    
 AND tbl2.date > @EarliestDate
 AND tbl2.date < @LatestDate

SELECT number3
, number4

FROM table1 ci

AND ci.number1 + CONVERT(varchar(5),ci.number2) IN (**@List**) 


  • To use in() properly you must specify a query, not just put the table variable you declared and inserted data into.


    DECLARE @EarliestDate date Set @EarliestDate = '2020-01-01'
    DECLARE @LatestDate date Set @LatestDate = '2020-01-05'
    DECLARE @List TABLE(DATAPOINT varchar(20))   
    INSERT INTO @List SELECT number1  + CONVERT(varchar(5),number2)  
    INNER JOIN msts tb2 on tbl1.j = tbl2.j and tbl1.s = tbl2.s
     INNER JOIN tbl3  on tbl3.r = tbl1.j and tbl3.re = tbl1.s                                                    
     AND tbl2.date > @EarliestDate
     AND tbl2.date < @LatestDate
    SELECT number3
    , number4
    FROM table1 ci
    WHERE 1=1
    AND ci.number1 + CONVERT(varchar(5),ci.number2) IN (select DATAPOINT from @List)