I have developed my own maptile server and I want to use it as my raster source in react-native-mapbox-gl this is my code:
const rasterSourceProps = { id: 'iranMap', tileUrlTemplates: ['http://.../{z}/{x}/{y}.png'], tileSize: 256,
<MapboxGL.RasterSource {...rasterSourceProps} >
<MapboxGL.BackgroundLayer id="background" sourceLayerID="iranMap" style={{ backgroundColor:"#f2efea"} } />
minZoomLevel= {1}
maxZoomLevel= {19}
style={{rasterOpacity: 1, rasterFadeDuration: 100}}
<MapboxGL.Camera zoomLevel={3} centerCoordinate={coordinates} />
<MapboxGL.PointAnnotation coordinate={coordinates} id="Test" />
I can view my map with my own tiles, but the problem is that in high zoom levels, some tiles are loaded in night mode as the picture below:
any solutions?
You just need to develop the app in release version and view the map in real device! For me the problem is solved