
MaterialDatePicker and TimePickerDialog are styled differently when using dark theme

I currently use MaterialDatePicker, and because the material team isn't working on the corresponding TimePicker, I've chosen to use TimePickerDialog.

val calendarConstraints = CalendarConstraints.Builder().setOpenAt(datetimeAsUTC)
val datePicker: MaterialDatePicker<Long> = MaterialDatePicker
       .build(), datePicker.toString())
val timePicker : TimePickerDialog = TimePickerDialog(requireContext(), { _, hour, minute ->
        vm.process(event(hour, minute))
    datetime.value?.hourOfDay ?: 0,
    datetime.value?.minuteOfHour ?: 0,

They work great, but their styling doesn't match under dark theme

enter image description here

This seems like an issue a lot of people would have run into, so hopefully there's an easy solution. I could try to change the colors myself, but I don't have a lot of experience with this, and considering I'm not looking for a custom look, but a standard one that would match other apps, I think there's a better solution.


  • Use the MaterialTimePicker in the Material Compoments Library:

    val materialTimePicker = MaterialTimePicker.Builder()
        .build(), "fragment_tag")

    Note: this code requires at least the version 1.3.0-alpha03.

    enter image description here