I am trying to change text label sizes inside my plot (not the axes, rather the label annotations)
I am working with a phyloseq object but I don't think that matters. Here is the code and the output. Any suggestions?
plot_ordination(prokaryote_ra, ordBC, color = "Stage", label="SampleID") + ggtitle("PCoA: Bray-Curtis")
graph of ordination plot with label annotations that are too small
Looks like size for the text label is a fixed value 2, in the plot_ordination() function see L1135 at GitHub in plot-methods.R file
p = p + geom_text(label_map, data=rm.na.phyloseq(DF, label),
size=2, vjust=1.5, na.rm=TRUE) # <--- here size is set to 2
Solution would be either submit an issue at GitHub, and wait for an update from maintainer, or copy paste the function locally, and change the size to match your needs.