
WebIDE can't connect to remote runtime on adb-connected device

From WebIDE (Windows 10 x64, Android SDK 26, Firefox 56 ESR) I'm trying to connect to my Huawei 7A Pro (USB debugging enabled, adb-connected, showing serial). Doing everything exactly according to this manual: https://sites.google.com/view/bananahackers/development/webide After executing this adb command c:/>adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket should get listening port as output but I get non (no errors either). I suppose port is not forwarded at this point and it causes futher connecting issue. When I enter Firefox WebIDE it doesn't see my device, on pressing Remote Runrime button I get the following error: Operation failed: Connecting to Remote Runtime. Though I can connect to Remote Firefox on my drvice.

What am I doing wrong? Any ideas on how to fix connection issue?


  • Ok, I realised the method with WebIDE to call runrime is for KaiOS devices only. On Android you could debug Firefox with WebIDE addon installed only