File "C:\WPy64-3810\python-3.8.1.amd64\lib\", line 239, in copyfile
raise SameFileError("{!r} and {!r} are the same file".format(src, dst))
SameFileError: 'G:\\My Drive\\xxxxxxxxxxxx\\Customers (CR, Kit, & Consulting)\\xxxxx\\reports\\old drafts\\Rxxxxxxxx-1E0 (canceled pilot).doc' and
'G:\\Shared drives\\Studies sorted by model\\Executed - updated 2020-03-22 15h05m55s\\EAE in C57BL_6 mice, therapeutic\\MOG35-55\\Rxxxxxxxx-1E0 (canceled pilot) xxxxx__Therapeutic EAE studies in C57BL_6 mice.doc' are the same file
What the heck is happening here?
Python 3.8, x64, Windows - the two files it prints are clearly not at all the same, yet it says "SameFileError".
I've redacted the path with "xxxxx" in a few places (these are customer files). And inserted a newline to make the source/dest filenames line up (easier to compare).
FWIW, both the source and destination filepaths are on Google Drive File Stream (G:); that may have something to do with it.
It's a bug related to how shutil reads a Google Drive File Stream file system.
See here: