
Jenkins Git Parameter Plugin branchFilter regex

I am using Git Parameter Plugin (0.9.12) for Jenkins declarative pipeline here as below. The output of params.branchName is master where output needs to origin/master for my case.

Is there anyway to do this ? How can I add get the origin/master output from params.brancName.

parameters {    
    gitParameter branchFilter: 'origin/(.*)', defaultValue: 'master', name: 'branchName', type: 'PT_BRANCH'

stages {
    stage('Git clone and environment setup') {
            git branch: "${params.branchName}", credentialsId: 'xxx', url: 'https://git.xxxx.git'

            echo 'Git paramater...' +  params.branchName
            // Git paramater...master. ->> **Which I need is origin/master**


    stage ('Run Tests for Dev ') {
        when {
            beforeAgent true
            expression { params.branchName == "origin/development"}

Here is configuration for branches to build. Configuration


  • Try this out:

    parameters {
            gitParameter name: 'branchName', 
                         type: 'PT_BRANCH',
                         defaultValue: 'master'
    stages {
        stage('Git clone and environment setup') {
                script {
                echo "Git paramater is ${params.branchName}"
                git branch: "${params.branchName}", credentialsId: 'xxx', url: 'https://git.xxxx.git'
        stage ('Run Tests for Dev ') {
            when {
                beforeAgent true
                expression { "${params.branchName}" == "origin/development"}

    I tried the same code. It worked for me:

    enter image description here enter image description here