I have a nX2 dimension array and I have some HMM models defined. Now, for each of the HMM models present, I am trying to calculate the log-likelihood value for each of the values present in the nx2 array. For this, I am using the score function in hmmlearn package
LINK: https://hmmlearn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#hmmlearn.base._BaseHMM.score
For reference, these are the codes I have written:
Defining the one of the HMM models:
HMMmodel = hmm.GaussianHMM(n_components=3, covariance_type="full", n_iter=10)
HMMpredict = HMMmodel.predict(Sdata2)
Then, the dataset used with the Score function:
[[-1.72914138 -1.63633714]
[-1.72914138 -1.63633714]
[-1.69620469 -1.63633714]
[-1.72226929 -1.63633714]
[-1.71539655 -1.63633714]
[-1.72914138 -1.63633714]]
The code for finding the score:
score1 = list()
score2 = list()
score3 = list()
score4 = list()
for x in np.nditer(Sdata3):
It is at this point the error is encountered:
ValueError: Expected 2D array, got scalar array instead:
I have read some similar questions on this site and tried reshaping my array with (-1,1) and (1,-1) but it produces the same error.
Any techniques to solve the error will be appreciated. Thanks!
Okay, I think I have solved this.
What I did was I took one [1x2] sequence from the dataset and then used the reshape function to convert it into a [2x1] sequence. Upon this conversion, the score function accepted it and the program ran smoothly.
Here is the modified code:
score1 = list()
score2 = list()
score3 = list()
score4 = list()
for x in Sdata3:
y = np.reshape(x, (2,1))
I hope this helps anyone facing a similar problem.