I want to create a stacking Game. Where when you tap the screen for instance a block falls down and a new one appears where the other one originally was. Now when the User taps the screen again the same block falls down and if aligned correctly stacks on top of the first one so one and so one. Keep stacking until you miss.
I thought creating an array and pushing each new object to that array would be able to hitTest between each new one etc and have them stack on each other. I realized I don't quite understand how to go about doing this. New instances are created so I got that down. Here is my code so far:
private function engineLogic(e:Event):void
private function stackingHandler():void
for (var i:int = 0; i < aCatArray.length; i++)
var currentCat:mcCats = aCatArray[i];
trace("NUMBER OF CATS: " + aCatArray.length);
private function onTap(e:MouseEvent):void
//Move Down
TweenLite.to(cats, 1.0, {y:(stage.stageHeight / 2) + 290, onComplete: addCats});
private function addCats():void
//Create Instance
cats = new mcCats();
//Add Objects
//Push to Array
I would appreciate any help from you guys. Maybe if you can push me in the right direction. Thank you in advance!
This is how I was able to fix it. Creating a double for loop. Checking if they are equal to each other continue and check for hitTest:
private function stackingHandler():void
for (var i:int = 0; i < aCatArray.length; i++)
var currentCat:mcCats = aCatArray[i];
for (var j:int = 0; j < aCatArray.length; j++)
var newCat:mcCats = aCatArray[j];
if (currentCat == newCat) continue;
//Hit Test between Objects
if (newCat.hitTestObject(currentCat.mcHit) && newCat.bFlag == false)
//Stop Moving
if (highScore == 0)
trace("ADD CATS 1");
TweenLite.delayedCall(0.6, addCats);
trace("ADD CATS 2");
//Add Points
highScore ++;
trace(highScore + " Score");
//Set Flag boolean
newCat.bFlag = true