How to pass data (ex: Navbar Title) to a component used in the parent element?
<!-- _layout.svelte -->
import Nav from "../components/Nav.svelte";
let navTitle = "MyApp";
<Nav {navTitle}/>
<slot />
<!-- Nav.svelte -->
export let navTitle = "";
<!-- Login.svelte -->
How to pass navTitle value from here to Nav.svelte?
To clarify, this needs to be scalable and to work on page load/transition for all routes of an SPA using Routify, preferably providing a default value and be able to have HTML value:
<!-- Article.svelte -->
<!-- User.svelte -->
navTitle is '<a href="/user">My Account </a>'
<!-- Comment.svelte -->
The easiest way to share data across components is to use stores as described in the docs
Your setup for that would be
<!-- Nav.svelte -->
import { navTitle } from './store.js'
<!-- Login.svelte -->
import { navTitle } from './store.js'
<!-- store.js -->
import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
export const navTitle = writable('')