I'm trying to intercept an image from an HTML form's input control to convert it into a byte string before processing it on the server side.
How do I intercept the file?
upload_files = self.get_uploads('file')
# Intercept here to do something different than just upload
blob_info = upload_files[0]
How do I convert it into a byte string that can be converted back to an image later?
I'm using Python and App Engine.
Assume your upload control is in a form named "image" and you are using Werkzeug's FileStorage:
img_stream = self.form.image.data
mimetype = img_stream.content_type
img_str = img_stream.read().encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
data_uri = 'data:%s;%s,%s' % (mimetype, 'base64', img_str)
Your data_uri now contains the string information you need.
Thank you all for your helpful comments!