
UTL_FILE.FGETATTR returns 0 for the block size

When I use UTL_FILE.FGETATTR, the block size returns 0 each time. I can get file length etc, but block size returns 0. What can be the reason for that and how can I solve this? OS : Windows 10 DB : 19c

    v_fexists       BOOLEAN;
    v_file_length   NUMBER;
    v_block_size    BINARY_INTEGER;
    UTL_FILE.FGETATTR ('TEST_DIR','temp file.txt',v_fexists,v_file_length,v_block_size);
    IF v_fexists THEN
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The file exists');
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Its length is     :'||v_file_length);
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Its block size is :'||v_block_size);
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The file does not exist!');
    END IF;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

The file exists
Its length is     :2794
Its block size is :0


  • I just post the answer that everybody is aware and you can mark the question as answered. It is more or less a recollection of everything we've been talking about on the comments section.

    On Windows platforms, UTL_FILE.FGETATTR procedure returns 0 instead of the correct block size even if the file exists. Windows platform does not provide any system sub-routine to obtain the filesystem I/O block size, as a result it returns 0, which is the expected behaviour.

    Although it is predicted and documented for 9i/10g, the problem is reproducible on 12c, 18c and 19c as well.

    Link to Support Note