
What causes `Prelude.chr: bad argument`?

I have the following Haskell program I wrote, the purpose of which is to function like a Caesar cipher:

  1 import System.IO
  2 import System.Environment
  3 import System.Exit
  4 import Data.Char
  6 shiftRight :: Int -> Char -> Char
  7 shiftRight shift char = do
  8   if isAsciiLower char
  9   then if (toEnum (fromEnum char + shift) :: Char) > 'z'
 10     then shiftRight (shift - 26) char
 11     else toEnum (fromEnum char + shift) :: Char
 12   else if isAsciiUpper char
 13     then if (toEnum (fromEnum char + shift) :: Char) > 'Z'
 14       then shiftRight (shift - 26) char
 15       else toEnum (fromEnum char + shift) :: Char
 16     else char
 18 shiftLeft :: Int -> Char -> Char
 19 shiftLeft shift char = do
 20   if isAsciiLower char  
 21   then if (toEnum (fromEnum char - shift) :: Char) < 'a'
 22     then shiftLeft (shift + 26) char
 23     else toEnum (fromEnum char - shift) :: Char
 24   else if isAsciiUpper char
 25     then if (toEnum (fromEnum char - shift) :: Char) < 'A'
 26       then shiftLeft (shift + 26) char
 27       else toEnum (fromEnum char - shift) :: Char
 28     else char
 30 main = do 
 31   args <- getArgs
 32   message <- getLine
 33   case args of
 34     [aString, aInt] -> 
 35       if aString == "-encode"
 36       -- `read` converts aInt from string to int
 37       -- `map` is used to apply `shiftRight` to each char in the string `message`
 38       then putStrLn $ show $ map (shiftRight $ read $ aInt) message
 39       else 
 40         if aString == "-decode"
 41         then putStrLn $ show $ map (shiftLeft $ read $ aInt) message
 42         else do
 43           putStrLn ("Second argument should be either '-decode' or '-encode'!")
 44           exitFailure
 45     _ -> do 
 46       progName <- getProgName
 47       putStrLn ("Usage: " ++ progName ++ " [-encode|-decode] [0-9]")
 48       exitFailure

My ghc version is as follows:

$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.6.5

I compile the Haskell on macos (Catalina):

$ ghc Prog1d.hs -o Prog1d
Loaded package environment from $HOME/.ghc/x86_64-darwin-8.6.5/environments/default
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Prog1d.hs, Prog1d.o )
Linking Prog1d ...

Then I run my code:

$ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -encode 1
$ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -encode 2
$ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -encode 4
$ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -encode 100
$ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -decode 1
Prog1d: Prelude.chr: bad argument: (-14)
$ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -decode 2
Prog1d: Prelude.chr: bad argument: (-15)
$ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -decode 4
Prog1d: Prelude.chr: bad argument: (-17)
$ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -decode 100
Prog1d: Prelude.chr: bad argument: (-35)

Why do I get Prelude.chr: bad argument? What causes this, and what can I do to fix the problem?

I have read about others who have had this error, but in their case, deleting the *.hi files solved the problem. I have deleted Prog1d.hi (as well as Prog1d.o and Prog1d), but to no effect. I feel this may be caused by something in my code, maybe with line 41:

then putStrLn $ show $ map (shiftLeft $ read $ aInt) message

But this line is just like line 38, which works just fine for the -encode use-case. I must be missing something obvious.

I am new to Haskell, so please help me along. I am mostly used to writing code in imperative languages like C++, python, Java, etc. and I am not yet familiar with the ideas and syntax of Haskell and other functional languages.

Thanks for reading this!


  • I found the problem.

    In my code, I convert a character into its corresponding ASCII code.

    For example, fromEnum 'A' will give you 65. The problem is that, if you shift the value off the table of ASCII values, e.g. -1, you cause a bad argument error for the toEnum I use to compare for checking if the shift went too far.

    For example:

    echo "A" | ./Prog1d -decode 66

    This will take me to line 25 in my program:

    25     then if (toEnum (fromEnum char - shift) :: Char) < 'A'

    fromEnum char will be fromEnum 'A' which will give me 65.

    Then I subtract from 65 the shift value: 66. So, 65 - 66 = -1.

    Then toEnum -1 causes Prelude.chr: bad argument: (-1).

    That's because there is no ASCII character for -1 and that value is out of bounds.

    This means I simply have to compare int values instead of chars to check whether my shift is out of bounds or not.

    Here is the corrected code:

    import System.IO
    import System.Environment
    import System.Exit
    import Data.Char
    shiftRight :: Int -> Char -> Char
    shiftRight shift char = do
      if isAsciiLower char 
      then if (fromEnum char + shift) > 122 -- 122 is 'z' in ASCII
        then shiftRight (shift - 26) char
        else toEnum (fromEnum char + shift) :: Char
      else if isAsciiUpper char
        then if (fromEnum char + shift) > 90 -- 90 is `Z` in ASCII
          then shiftRight (shift - 26) char
          else toEnum (fromEnum char + shift) :: Char
        else char
    shiftLeft :: Int -> Char -> Char
    shiftLeft shift char = do
      if isAsciiLower char 
      then if (fromEnum char - shift) < 97 -- 97 is 'a' in ASCII
        then shiftLeft (shift - 26) char
        else toEnum (fromEnum char - shift) :: Char
      else if isAsciiUpper char
        then if (fromEnum char - shift) < 65 -- 65 is 'A' in ASCII
          then shiftLeft (shift - 26) char
          else toEnum (fromEnum char - shift) :: Char
        else char
    main = do
      args <- getArgs
      message <- getLine
      case args of
        [aString, aInt] -> 
          if aString == "-encode"
          -- `read` converts aInt from string to int
          -- `map` is used to apply `shiftRight` to each char in the string `message`
          then putStrLn $ map (shiftRight $ read $ aInt) message
            if aString == "-decode"
            then putStrLn $ map (shiftLeft $ read $ aInt) message
            else do
              putStrLn ("Second argument should be either '-decode' or '-encode'!")
        _ -> do 
          progName <- getProgName
          putStrLn ("Usage: " ++ progName ++ " [-encode|-decode] [0-9]")

    And here is the proper, desired output:

    $ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -encode 1
    $ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -encode 2
    $ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -encode 4
    $ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -encode 100
    $ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -decode 1
    $ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -decode 2
    $ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -decode 4
    $ echo "ABCXYZabcxyz" | ./Prog1d -decode 100

    EDIT (2020-09-01): John Purdy gave me some feedback, which prompted me to radically refactor my code. Here is the improved version:

    import System.IO
    import System.Environment
    import System.Exit
    import Data.Char
    shift :: Int -> Char -> Char
    shift amount char
      -- `ord` is `fromEnum` but only for `Char` types; converts a Char to an Int, 
      -- which gives us the ASCII number for that character
      -- see: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
      | isAsciiLower char && (shifted < ord 'a' || shifted > ord 'z') = shift cycled char
      -- `chr` is `toEnum` but only for `Char` types; it converts from an Int to Char
      -- see: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
      | isAsciiLower char = chr shifted
      | isAsciiUpper char && (shifted < ord 'A' || shifted > ord 'Z') = shift cycled char
      | isAsciiUpper char = chr shifted 
      | otherwise = char
      where shifted = ord char + amount -- e.g. 'A' (ASCII: 66) shifted 1 = 'B' (ASCII: 67), so shifted would be 67. 
            -- cycled: the shift amount, but cycled by 26 to start over the alphabet, 
            -- e.g. 'Z' (by ASCII: 90) shifted 1 is 91, so -26 to get 65, which is 'A'
            -- the amount `div` amount makes sure we add or subtract 26 as needed to cycle 
            -- e.g. 'A' (65) shifted -1 is 64, but if we subtracted 26 from 64, it wouldn't cycle us to Z, 
            -- it is in the wrong direction
            -- so instead we multiply by the sign of the amount: -1 - (26 * (-1 / |-1|) to get +25, 
            -- so 65 ('A') + 25 = 90 ('Z')
            cycled = amount - ((amount `div` abs (amount)) * 26) 
    main = do
      args <- getArgs
      message <- getLine
      case args of
          -- `read` converts aInt from string to int
          -- `map` is used to apply `shiftRight` to each char in the string `message`
        ["-encode", aInt] -> putStrLn $ map (shift $ read $ aInt) message
        ["-decode", aInt] -> putStrLn $ map (shift $ negate $ read $ aInt) message
        _ -> do 
          progName <- getProgName
          putStrLn ("Usage: " ++ progName ++ " [-encode|-decode] [0-9]")