
gradle multi project build override dependencies in child

In a gradle multi project build:

root << applies: dependency{ 'org:module:version1' }
|- foo (version1) is ok here
|- bar (version1) not ok here, I need to use version 2

Is there a way to achieve this behaviour?


  • An alternative you can use is the strictly keyword. In your bar module you can write something like:

    dependencies {
        //Other dependencies
        compile("org:module") {
            version {
                strictly version2
            because("Only version2 works in this module")

    Also, if you check your bar module dependency graph with:

    ./gradlew -q dependencies

    You'll get an output like this:

    compileClasspath - Compile classpath for source set 'main'.
    +--- project :
    |    +--- org.sample:dependency:1.0
    |    +--- org.sample:other-dependency:1.0
    |    \--- org:module:{strictly version2} -> version2