val delete = scenario("delete").exec(karateFeature("classpath:mock/cats-delete.feature", "@name=delete"))
When the above line is executed, at run time does karate build Gatling script (in Gatling way) for delete scenario ? ( I think no, because "Karate is responsible for making HTTP requests while Gatling is only measuring the timings and managing threads"
I am thinking is it possible to re-use karate tests(Gatling) run in BlazeMeter and/or with Taurus
I know BlazeMeter can run Gatling tests but cats-delete.feature is a karate test not pure gatling script. So, I am wondering if can get Gatling script out of karate function test at run time.
It would be great if some one can shed some light here. ( I may be thinking completely wrong ! not sure)
The Karate integration means that you create a Maven project using the Gatling Maven Plugin. As far as I know, it should "look" like a normal Gatling project to Blazemeter. So it should work. But I suggest you try it and see what happens.