I'm having problems when trying to write a file with a different user rather than www-data. I need to leave the file on a mapped unit that it's NOT mine so i cannot change permissions on that one. Insetead i have a username and a group, let's call them 'myself':'myself'
I'm using Symfony 5 Filesystem to move files around but i still use PHP's fopen to create those files. This is what i have so far.
private function moveAndDeleteFile($url_origin, $url_destiny)
$filesystem = new Filesystem();
$a = fopen($url_origin, 'wa+');
fwrite($a, 'Test');
$filesystem->copy($url_origin, $url_destino, true);
if (!$filesystem->exists($url_destiny)) {
return false;
return true;
This is just a test, so i'm creating a file (name included in $url_origin) and try to copy the file to $url_destiny and then remove the original (again, just a test).
The ting is that the file is always created by www-data and for my target directory i need to set the file owner to 'myself'.
Is there any way i can change the file owner with sudo?
$filesystem->chown($url_origin, 'myself', false);
This returns an error -> Failed to chown file "my/route/file.xml"
Same thing happens when trying
$filesystem->chgrp($url_origin, 'myself', false);
Then i tried to use the default PHP chown() function like this:
chown($url_origin, 'myself');
And get this other Error: Operation not permitted.
I guess that i need to specify somewhere the user's properties but i'm clueless right now. Any ideas on how to pass this through? i'm sure i'm missing something obvious.
You cannot use "chown" because only "root" can use "chown".
The way is to set "chmod" or change configuration in your server with php-fpm running with myself user.