
How do I add extra fields in Dokan?

Good Day. I am developing a multivendor website for my client and I used Dokan. My client would like his vendors to add a (Sample Product Price) and (Bulk Product Price). Is there any way to add those fields? He also would like his vendors to add custom tags to their products. Regards,


  • Go to dokan plugin directory. then go to the below path

    1) templates/products/new-product-single.php

    2) templates/products/new-product.php

    You can override the new-product.php and new-product-single.php file in your child theme and then add your field. However, there are some other steps required to successfully save them.

    These below hooks to save and update the field data.

    do_action( 'dokan_new_product_added', $product_id, $post_data ); 
    do_action( 'dokan_product_updated', $post_id );