I'm trying to make tailwinds backgroundImage solution work, and I found help for many other tailwindcss problems here or on GitHub, but not for this. It's not a complicated task, but still doesn't work.
So as in the documentation, I want to create 2 simple background image to use for multiple viewsize. It is stated in the documentation https://tailwindcss.com/docs/background-image "By default, only responsive variants are generated for background image utilities." It means, without any further configuration on variants, I should be able to use it for this purpose.
Here is how my tailwind.conf.js looks like (important part is at the end):
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
module.exports = {
purge: [
theme: {
extend: {
minHeight: {
'120': '30rem',
height: {
'15': '3.75rem',
'17': '4.25rem',
'7': '1.75rem',
'75': '18.75rem',
width: {
'15': '3.75rem',
open: '11.875rem',
'75': '18.75rem',
margin: {
'7': '1.75rem',
'17': '4.25rem',
'27': '6.75rem',
padding: {
'7': '1.75rem',
borderWidth: {
'5': '5px',
fontSize: {
'5xl': '3.375rem',
'xxl': '1.375rem',
boxShadow: {
'lg': '0px 0px 10px #00000033',
'xl': '0px 0px 20px #00000080',
gap: {
'7': '1.75rem',
inset: {
'10': '2.5rem',
'11': '2.75rem',
'17': '4.25rem',
'1/2': '50%',
backgroundImage: {
'hero-lg': "url('/storage/img/sys/lg-hero.jpg')",
'hero-sm': "url('/storage/img/sys/sm-hero.jpg')",
variants: {
opacity: ['group-hover'],
backgroundOpacity: ['group-hover'],
plugins: []
Just to make sure I included the full content. And this is how the html looks like:
<div class="bg-hero-sm lg:bg-hero-lg h-24 w-24">
<div class="h-24 bg-gradient-to-r from-orange-400 via-red-500 to-pink-500"></div>
As I said, nothing special, "npm run dev" finishes without any error...but if I inspect the element, I cannot see anything related to any background parameter in CSS. Even the example from documentation doesn't work, which should have to provide a gradient block.
I am using Tailwind with Laravel.
How can I proceed? (I can do workaround using CSS code in my sass file, but I want to use Tailwind's own solution).
The background image functionality of tailwindcss has been released in version 1.7.0.
I tested your code in my development environment and it didn't work either since I also had an earlier version of tailwindcss. After upgrading to the latest version, your code has worked fine.