I want to split kml file per placemark and save it as separate kml file, the code creates separate files but includes all previous placemarks in the file eg: Grid3 holds the data for Grid 1 & 2 , Grid 5 hold all previous and so on. Can someone please help? Thanks in advance.
Source kml grid.kml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2">
<name>xyz company aug.20 18:06 UTC</name>
<description>20-08-2020 18:05 UTC
Speed 0 knots
<description>20-08-2020 18:04 UTC
Speed 0 knots
<description>20-08-2020 18:04 UTC
Speed 0 knots
<description>20-08-2020 18:04 UTC
Speed 0 knots
<description>20-08-2020 18:04 UTC
Speed 0 knots
<description>20-08-2020 18:04 UTC
Speed 0 knots
<description>20-08-2020 18:04 UTC
Speed 0 knots
<description>20-08-2020 18:04 UTC
Speed 0 knots
<description>20-08-2020 18:04 UTC
Speed 0 knots
<description>20-08-2020 18:04 UTC
Speed 0 knots
"Python code"
import simplekml
kml = simplekml.Kml()
from xml.dom import minidom
xmldoc = minidom.parse("grids.kml")
kmltag = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("kml")[0]
folder = kmltag.getElementsByTagName("Folder")[0]
placemarks = folder.getElementsByTagName("Placemark")
for placemark in placemarks:
gridname = placemark.getElementsByTagName("name")[0].firstChild.data
lats = placemark.getElementsByTagName("latitude")[0].firstChild.data
longs = placemark.getElementsByTagName("longitude")[0].firstChild.data
desc = placemark.getElementsByTagName("description")[0].firstChild.data
kml.newpoint(name=gridname, coords=[(longs,lats)], description=desc)
kml.save('C:\\Users\\Gigabyte\\Desktop\\python stuff\\ships\\' + gridname + '.kml')
You need to move the following line into the for-loop so that a new object is created for every placemark:
kml = simplekml.Kml()