I have a customized requirement.
Check if user tomuser
belongs to group tomuser
& exists no matter what the uid, gid is; then simply do nothing i.e. we are good.
if group tomuser
does not exist create group tomuser
with gid
if user tomuser
does not exist create user tomuser
with gid
and assign in the the group tomuser
Finally if uid, gid
is already in use while creating user and group then prefer uid,gid
as 2020
and if that too is in use then any random unique number is fine for both.
Below, is something I could think off which I understand is not the ideal solution; but i also end-up with issues
playbook below:
- name: Check tomuser user in passwd file
tags: always
ignore_errors: yes
- group:
name: tomuser
gid: "{{ item }}"
- "1900"
- "2020"
register: groupcreated
when: "tomuser" in groups
- debug:
msg: "GROUP tomuser does not exists or is empty"
when: 'tomuser' not in groups and not groups['tomuser']
- debug:
msg: "GROUP tomuser does not exists"
when: 'tomuser' not in groups
- debug:
msg: "GROUP tomuser is empty"
when: not groups['tomuser']
- raw: "cat /etc/passwd |grep -i tomuser"
register: tomusercheck
TASK [Check tomcat USER on server] *************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /app/patch/patch.yml:81
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
"reason": "Syntax Error while loading YAML.\n did not find expected key\n\nThe error appears to be in '/app/patch/checktomuser.yml': line 11, column 30, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n gid: '1900'\n when: \"tomuser\" in groups\n ^ here\nThis one looks easy to fix. It seems that there is a value started\nwith a quote, and the YAML parser is expecting to see the line ended\nwith the same kind of quote. For instance:\n\n when: \"ok\" in result.stdout\n\nCould be written as:\n\n when: '\"ok\" in result.stdout'\n\nOr equivalently:\n\n when: \"'ok' in result.stdout\"\n"
Kindly suggest.
Got it. Should be idempotent as well.
- hosts: my_host
become: true
- name: determine available groups
database: group
- name: determine available users
database: passwd
- name: set group with gid 1900 when not available
name: tomuser
gid: 1900
- "'tomuser' not in ansible_facts.getent_group"
- "'1900' not in item.value"
loop: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_group | dict2items }}"
- name: set group with gid 2020 when not available
name: tomuser
gid: 2020
- "'tomuser' not in ansible_facts.getent_group"
- "'2020' not in item.value"
loop: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_group | dict2items }}"
- name: create random number
random_num: "{{ range(1500, 2000) | random(seed=item) }}"
run_once: yes
- string
- name: set group with random gid when 2020 already in use
name: tomuser
gid: "{{ random_num }}"
- "'tomuser' not in ansible_facts.getent_group"
- "'2020' in item.value"
loop: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_group | dict2items }}"
- name: set fact when tomuser exists
user_exists: true
when: '"tomuser" in item.key'
loop: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_passwd | dict2items }}"
- name: set fact when tomuser does not exists
user_exists: false
when: '"tomuser" not in item.key'
loop: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_passwd | dict2items }}"
- name: set user with uid 1900, and group tomuser when not available
name: tomuser
uid: 1900
group: tomuser
- not user_exists
- "'1900' not in item.value[1]"
loop: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_passwd | dict2items }}"
- name: set user with uid 2020, and group tomuser when not available
name: tomuser
uid: 2020
group: tomuser
- not user_exists
- "'2020' not in item.value[1]"
loop: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_passwd | dict2items }}"
- name: set user with random uid, and group tomuser when not available
name: tomuser
uid: "{{ random_num }}"
group: tomuser
- not user_exists
- "'2020' in item.value[1]"
loop: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_passwd | dict2items }}"