
Mysql update table by reading txt file?

/var/lib/mysql-files/myfile.txt file contain

23/08/2020 mycluster1 1515G 22G 1493G 2 15 17

I want to update servercheck table by reading /var/lib/mysql-files/myfile.txt I tried many combination but couldn't find proper solution I also search import command but couldn't find update

mysqlimport -u myuser -pxxXxX1xF databasename UPDATE 'servercheck' (`id`, `date`, `cluster`, `ip`, `totalsize`, `used`, `available`, `-10MBfiles`, `+10MBfiles`, `totalfiles`) VALUES LOAD_FILE('/var/lib/mysql-files/myfile.txt') Where ip='';

How can I update this table ?

Thanks heap


  • this is script if any one needed.


    a=Australia b=04/09/2020 15:40 d= e=/etc/mydata/ f=147G g=1G h=1% i= 147G j=99% k=0 l=0 m=0 n=OK o=OK p=32547320 KB r=27402 MB s=500G t=494G

    and this php code reads and update table.

            $input = "/etc/system/srvstats/storage/srvstats.txt";
            $dbHost = "localhost";
            $dbUser = "myuser";
            $dbPass = "xxxxxxxxxxF";
            $db = "admin_my2";
            $table = "storagecheck";
            $id = "2";
            $data = explode('=', file_get_contents($input));
            $location = trim(substr($data[1], 0, -2));
            $date = trim(substr($data[2], 0, -2));
            $cluster = trim(substr($data[3], 0, -2));
            $ip = trim(substr($data[4], 0, -2));
            $mounted = trim(substr($data[5], 0, -2));
            $totalsize = trim(substr($data[6], 0, -2));
            $used = trim(substr($data[7], 0, -2));
            $usedPercent = trim(substr($data[8], 0, -2));
            $free = trim(substr($data[9], 0, -2));
            $freePercent = trim(substr($data[10], 0, -2));
            $minus50MBFiles = trim(substr($data[11], 0, -2));
            $plus50MBFiles = trim(substr($data[12], 0, -2));
            $totalFiles = trim(substr($data[13], 0, -2));
            $pinggateway = trim(substr($data[14], 0, -2));
            $raidhealth = trim(substr($data[15], 0, -2));
            $memorysize = trim(substr($data[16], 0, -2));
            $freememory = trim(substr($data[17], 0, -2));
            $backupsize = trim(substr($data[18], 0, -2));
            $backupspaceremaining = trim($data[19]);
            $conn = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $db);
            !$conn->connect_error OR die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
            $sql = "UPDATE `$table` SET `location` = '$location', `date` = '$date', `cluster` = '$cluster', `ip` = '$ip', `mounted` = '$mounted', `totalsize` = '$totalsize', `used` = '$used', `used%` = '$usedPercent', `available` = '$free' , `free%` = '$freePercent', `-50MBfiles` = '$minus50MBFiles',`+50MBfiles` = '$plus50MBFiles',`totalfiles` = '$totalFiles',`pinggateway` = '$pinggateway', `raidhealth` = '$raidhealth', `memorysize` = '$memorysize', `freememory` = '$freememory', `backupsize` = '$backupsize', `backupspaceremaining%` = '$backupspaceremaining' WHERE `id` = $id";
            echo "Entry ID $id updated succesfully.";