I need a way to parse HTML markup to hiccup on a node.js app written in Clojurescript. On the client side I used hickory for the job, which unfortunately doesn't play nice on Node.js. If any namespace requires hickory.core
node refuses to run the app saying
ReferenceError: Node is not defined
at hickory$core$node_type (/media/lapdaten/ARBEITSSD/dev/violinas_macchiato/target/out/hickory/core.cljs:35:1)
at Object.<anonymous> (/media/lapdaten/ARBEITSSD/dev/violinas_macchiato/target/out/hickory/core.cljs:39:16)
If I hot-load the library with figwheel while node is already running CIDER gives me code completion for the various hickory functions, but hickory.core/parse-fragment
is undefined at runtime (hickory.core/as-hiccup
being available for some reason).
This is actually a known problem with hickory because it depends on a browser DOM API, which is unavailable in Node.js. I tried (set! js/DOMParser (.-DOMParser (js/require "xmldom")))
as suggested on GitHub, but I don't actually know where to put that expression. Generally the discussions on GitHub left me without a clue…
Has anyone gotten hickory to work on Node.js? Any other suggestions as to how I may have my app convert HTML to hiccup?
Many thanks in advance!
With hickory not supporting Node.js in a way that I could understand I've recently been looking into native Node.js solutions. Behold posthtml-parser. The nice thing about it is, that the JSON it produces is only one js->clj
away from almost exactly being hickory-format, i.e. the following:
(ns utils.phtmltohiccup
["posthtml-parser" :as phr] ; requiring the shadow-cljs way
(def testhtml
"<ul class=\"list\" important=\"false\"><li>Hello World</li><li>Hello Again</li></ul>")
testhtml) :keywordize-keys true)
[{:tag "ul"
{:class "list"
:important "false"}
[{:tag "li"
["Hello World"]}
{:tag "li"
["Hello Again"]}]}]
The only difference with respect to proper hickory seems to be the lack of :type
keys and the type being assumed to be :element
. This structure is highly workable form within Clojurescript as it is. When I do need hiccup I'm now using one of two very naive functions to convert the hickory above to hiccup. Stack-consuming:
(defn parsed-to-hiccup-sc
(fn [element]
(if (:tag element)
(print (:tag element))
(let [{:keys [tag attrs content]} element]
(into [(keyword tag) attrs] (parsed-to-hiccup-sc content))
(str element)))
Alternatively I use clojure.walk (which – I assume – is not stack-consuming):
(defn parsed-to-hiccup-ns
(fn [element]
(if (:tag element)
(let [{:keys [tag attrs content]} element]
(into [(keyword tag) attrs] content))
(str element)))
For the time being this solution is good enough for my intents and purposes. I will, however, bring this library to the attention of the hickory maintainers. Maybe there turns out to be an easy way to integrate posthtml-parser into hickory for proper Node.js-support.