I used dozens of SVGs in my current app, they are all inline and they are all normalized.. meaning that all of them have a viewbox of 0 0 24 24 and the icon fits nicely in the middle
Then this designer just gave me multiple new SVGs and they are not standard.. they have viewboxes of 0 0 1024 1024, 0 0 400 400, 0 0 72 72
I want to normalize them so they all have a viewbox of 0 0 24 24.
I tried opening them in vectr.com and I united the paths and then shrunk them and exported the SVG again and sure enough they are much smaller now, however they do not fit 0 0 24 24 exactly.. I need to trial and error it and for example the 0 0 1024 1024 is now 0 0 48 40
I'm sure there's an editor / tool that could have done a perfect job of shrinking it and centering it in such a way that it would fit 0 0 24 24
How can I go about achieving this easily and simply?
Thank you
I would have never thought of such a use case, but if you have exactly one path as the svg content, my own library pathfit can rewrite the the path in that way. Here is a node.js script:
const Pathfit = require('pathfit');
function shrinkPath (path, viewBox, targetWidth, targetHeight) {
const pathfitter = new Pathfit({viewBox}, undefined, path);
return pathfitter.scale_with_aspect_ratio(targetWidth, targetHeight);