I am adding data to a redis stream with the data being integers or floats
> XADD name 1-0 field 1
> XADD name 1-1 field 2
I then have a python app that reads the stream data.
r = redis.Redis(host=HOST,port=PORT,decode_responses=True)
latest = r.xrevrange(
# "1-1",
# {
# "field":"2" ##data is str not int
# }
The issue is that the resulting data in the dictionary will always be in string format. Someone suggested I use hiredis, but I cannot find how to get a non-string output. Is there a way that redis or hiredis can automatically cast the data to the proper numerical type? or do I have to implement the casting myself?
Redis is a textual/binary database. Inserting an int
converts it to a string immediately upon entry.
You must convert the response back to int
yourself. Decode response only decodes the bytes
response to str