I have implemented shadow-mapping, and it works great as long as I use an orthogonal projection (e.g. to have shadows from 'sun')
However, as soon as I switched to a perspective projection for a spotlight, the shadowmap no longer works for me. Even though I use the exact same matrix code for creating my (working) perspective camera projection.
Is there some pitfall with perspective shadow maps that I am not aware of?
This projection matrix (orthogonal) works:
const float projectionSize = 50.0f;
const float left = -projectionSize;
const float right = projectionSize;
const float bottom= -projectionSize;
const float top = projectionSize;
const float r_l = right - left;
const float t_b = top - bottom;
const float f_n = zFar - zNear;
const float tx = - (right + left) / (right - left);
const float ty = - (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
const float tz = - (zFar + zNear) / (zFar - zNear);
float* mout = sl_proj.data;
mout[0] = 2.0f / r_l;
mout[1] = 0.0f;
mout[2] = 0.0f;
mout[3] = 0.0f;
mout[4] = 0.0f;
mout[5] = 2.0f / t_b;
mout[6] = 0.0f;
mout[7] = 0.0f;
mout[8] = 0.0f;
mout[9] = 0.0f;
mout[10] = -2.0f / f_n;
mout[11] = 0.0f;
mout[12] = tx;
mout[13] = ty;
mout[14] = tz;
mout[15] = 1.0f;
This projection matrix (perspective) works as a camera, but fails to work with shadow map:
const float f = 1.0f / tanf(fov/2.0f);
const float aspect = 1.0f;
float* mout = sl_proj.data;
mout[0] = f / aspect;
mout[1] = 0.0f;
mout[2] = 0.0f;
mout[3] = 0.0f;
mout[4] = 0.0f;
mout[5] = f;
mout[6] = 0.0f;
mout[7] = 0.0f;
mout[8] = 0.0f;
mout[9] = 0.0f;
mout[10] = (zFar+zNear) / (zNear-zFar);
mout[11] = -1.0f;
mout[12] = 0.0f;
mout[13] = 0.0f;
mout[14] = 2 * zFar * zNear / (zNear-zFar);
mout[15] = 0.0f;
The ortho projection creates light and shadows as expected (see below) taking into account that it is not realistic of course.
To create the lightviewprojection matrix, I simply multiply the projection matrix and the inverse of the light-transformation.
All working fine for perspective camera, but not for perspective(spot) light.
And with 'not working' I mean: zero light shows up, because somehow, not a single fragment falls inside the light's view? (It is not a texture issue, it is a transformation issue.)
This was a case of a missing division by the homogeneous W coordinate in the GLSL code.
Somehow, with the orthogonal projection, not dividing by W was fine.
With the perspective projection, the coordinate in light-space needs dividing by W.