I need to create kafka source connector for REST API with Header authentication like curl -H "Authorization: Basic " -H "clientID: " "https:< url for source> " . I am using apache kafka , I used connector class com.github.castorm.kafka.connect.http.HttpSourceConnector Here is my json file for connector
"name": "rest_data6",
"config": {
"connector.class": "com.github.castorm.kafka.connect.http.HttpSourceConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"http.request.headers": "Authorization: Basic <key1>",
"http.request.headers": "clientID: <key>",
"http.request.url": "https:<url for source ?",
"kafka.topic": "mysqltopic2"
Also I tried with "connector.class": "com.tm.kafka.connect.rest.RestSourceConnector", My joson file as below
"name": "rest_data2",
"config": {
"connector.class": "com.tm.kafka.connect.rest.RestSourceConnector",
"rest.source.poll.interval.ms": "900",
"rest.source.method": "GET",
"rest.source.url":"URL of source ",
"tasks.max": "1",
"rest.source.headers": "Authorization: Basic <key> , clientId :<key2>",
"rest.source.topic.selector": "com.tm.kafka.connect.rest.selector.SimpleTopicSelector",
"rest.source.destination.topics": "mysql1"
But no hope . Any idea how to GET REST API data with authentication . My authentication parameter is Authorization: Basic and Authorization: Basic .
Just for mention both the file are working with REST API without authentication , once I added authentication parameter then wither connector status is failed or It produce ":"Cannot route. Codebase/company is invalid"" message in topic. Can any one suggest what is way to solve it
I mailed to original developer to Cástor Rodríguez. As per his solution I modified my json
Put header into a single form and it works
"name": "rest_data6",
"config": {
"connector.class": "com.github.castorm.kafka.connect.http.HttpSourceConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"http.request.headers": "Authorization: Basic <key1>, clientID: <key>"
"http.request.url": "https:<url for source ?",
"kafka.topic": "mysqltopic2"