I'm able to set the project version by adding the tag to the .csproj file, but I'd like to change that value programatically inside the pipeline.
I hacked together a script to do accomplish that, but it feels sloppy.
That's got to be a way to do this through the CLI, but I'm just not finding it.
Is there a command similar to this that I'm overlooking?
dotnet build -project-version 1.2.3
If no command exists, what have you done to set the project build version in your pipelines?
i use the following in my pipeline.
dotnet build -p:VersionPrefix="$(buildNumber)" -p:VersionSuffix="$(buildPipline)"
and in my csproj file i have
to get the version number in code, i use the following
public static string Version => System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttribute<System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>().InformationalVersion;
if you're using azure pipelines, you can add a powershell script, which declares the version based on the date & time.
Write-Host "Generating Build Number"
$baseDate = [datetime]"01/01/2019"
$currentDate = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId((Get-Date), 'Eastern Standard Time')
$interval = NEW-TIMESPAN –Start $baseDate –End $currentDate
$days = $interval.Days
$hour = $currentDate.ToString("HH")
$minute = $currentDate.ToString("mm")
$version = "1.0.$days.$hour$minute"
$version_npm = "1.$days.$($currentDate.ToString("Hmm"))"
if($currentDate.ToString("HH") -eq "00")
$version_npm = "1.$days.25$($currentDate.ToString("mm"))"
Write-Host "Version: $version"
Write-Host "npm Version: $version_npm"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=buildNumber]$version"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=buildNumber_npm]$version_npm"