
Getting error MockKException: no answer found for: Observer(#8).onChanged Android

I'm writing a unit test. Below is my code. The architecture is MVVM using Dagger2. I'm calling the login function residing in the LoginViewModel, which is notifying the getLoginState function. The error I'm getting is:


 io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: Observer(#8).onChanged(Success(data=))
        at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.defaultAnswer(MockKStub.kt:90)


 fun logIn(phone: String, phoneCode: String) {
        loginState.value = Outcome.success("")

 fun getLoginState(): LiveData<Outcome<String>> = loginState

LoginViewModelTest class:

    var SUT: LoginViewModel? = null

    var loginInteractor: LoginInteractor? = null

    var textValidator: TextValidator? = null

    var textProvider: TextProvider? = null

    var blinkUserPreferences: BlinkUserPreferences? = null

    var rule: TestRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()

    var mockObserver: Observer<Outcome<String>>? = null
        fun setUp() {
            MockKAnnotations.init(this, relaxUnitFun = true)
             SUT = spyk(
                         mockk<TextValidator>(relaxed = true),
            mockObserver = mockk<Observer<Outcome<String>>>()
        fun logIn() {
            every {SUT!!.getLoginState().value} returns Outcome.success("")

        verify() { mockObserver!!.onChanged(Outcome.success("abc")) } 

Question: In verification, why onChanged method is not being called, or what does it mean that no answer found for Observer().onChanged, how can I notify my onChanged method so I can verify it?


  • After watching this: It says

    specify that the matched call answers with a code block scoped with answer scope

    I just posted this:

    every { mockObserver!!.onChanged(any()) } answers {}

    in the following test function and it worked.

     fun logIn() {
                every { mockObserver!!.onChanged(any()) } answers {}
                every {SUT!!.getLoginState().value} returns Outcome.success("abc")
                verify() { mockObserver!!.onChanged(Outcome.success("abc")) } 

    According to my understanding, if you mockk a function, and you want to use its particular function you must use the every expression to tell framework that it will answer, because framework needs to know that it needs to answer something.

    And if you want that all behaviour functions should also be added with mock with their implementation then you must spyk your class so that it gets the behaviour as well and then you can easily use the function without using expression every.

    Please note that every expression is used for many cases like to get a mocked result out of that function, or just need to tell the framework that this function should answers this.

    Please correct me through comments if I'm wrong, Ill update it.