
Ranorex. iframe access issue

I try to use WebDriver endpoint with Ranorex and all works well when Ranorex works with a simple path, but not when it works with iframe.

It will be better if I provide the example:

<div id="layout">
    <span id="element1"></span>
    <iframe id="frame1">
                <span id="element2"></span>
  1. I can access to any element Ranorex endpoint using:

  1. I can access the elements that contained outside the iframe: (including the iframe itself)

  2. I have the error when I try to get access with WebDriver endpoint to any element that contains inside iframe :


How I can use elements in iframe?


  • I found solution.

    As in the Selenium we need to switch between frames. I found that WebDriverDocument has the ability to switch frames:

    WebDriverDocument wd = WebDriverDocument.FromPatch("//*[1]");
    wd.SwitchToFrame("//iframe[@id='frame1']", "xpath");
    // wd.SwitchToFrame("frane1", "id"); - also availabled

    After that I can manage elements that contained inner iframe:

    WebElement  wl  = "//span[#'element2']";