
How i can setting the home directory for Pug in Gulp

I am trying to set home directory for Pug to Galp using this code:

function renderPug() {
  return src('app/pug/pages/**/*.pug')
      pretty: true,
      basedir: __dirname,
    .on('end', browserSync.reload);

But when doing the task, I get this error:

    ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/Boboshko/boboshko-me/app/pug/pages/photos/russia/moscow/2019/layout/templates/photos-inside.pug'
    at /Users/Boboshko/boboshko-me/app/pug/pages/photos/russia/moscow/2019/photos.pug line 1
    errno: -2
    syscall: open
    code: ENOENT
    path: /Users/Boboshko/boboshko-me/app/pug/pages/photos/russia/moscow/2019/layout/templates/photos-inside.pug
    domainEmitter: [object Object]
    domainThrown: false

What am I doing wrong?


  • This works for me:

    const path = require('path');
    function renderPug() {
      return src('app/pug/pages/**/*.pug')
          pretty: true,
          basedir: path.join(__dirname, 'app', 'pug'),
        .on('end', browserSync.reload);

    And the path to the file must be specified relative to the root folder: /layout/templates/photos-inside.