
Vuexfire {serialize} option not formatting array properly

I am trying to add all Firestore document Ids when I query a collection. I can query all collections in an instance, but cannot tie their document Ids to the collection arrays.

This is the code I have that works to query all a user's products within a vuex file called product.js

import { firestoreAction } from 'vuexfire'
import { db } from '@/firebase/init'

const state = {
  products: []

const getters = {}

const actions = {
  init: firestoreAction( context  => {
    const allProducts = db.collection(`users/${context.rootState.authentication.user.uid}/products`)
      allProducts, { 
        wait: true, 
        serialize: doc => {
          // console.log( -returns the IDS I am looking for
          return Object.defineProperty(, 'id', {

I then get this data


I am looking to get data to pass to vuex like this:


The above ids show up when I use console.log(, but I don't get the expected array with id values, just product name


  • This is because you cannot modify the Object returned by

    The following, using the object spread operator to create a new plain object, should do the trick:

    return {