
How to read Modubus TCP/IP data with Apache NiFi?

I am having the data in Modbus TCP/IP. I have to read the available data with Apache NiFi. I don't know, which processor have to use exactly (Ex. GetTCP, ListenTCP, Plc4xSourceProcessor). Can you help me on this? Is there any feasibility with Apache NiFi?


  • the Plc4xSourceProcessor is what you are looking for. The Apache PLC4X project provides drivers for accessling PLCs using various protocols. One of the is the Modbus protocol. So if you use the Plc4xSourceProcessor and configure a modbus connection string and list the addresses you want to collect, then you will be able to do so.

    I happen to have written the PLC4X-NiFi Integration documentation on our website just a couple of days ago:

    I think this will be helpful.
