
Update table with returned id from insert on other table

I'm trying to figure out how to insert data from Table1 into Table2, then use the newly-created ID from Table2 to update the corresponding row in Table1.

I'm using Postgres 12.4 for what it's worth

Example: I've got two tables, e.g. users and metadata

The users tables has the following columns

| id | info | metadata_id |

The metadata table has the following columns

| id | data |

I want to migrate all of my info values from the users table into the data column of the metadata table, and update my users.metadata_id (currently blank) with the corresponding metadata.id values, essentially backfilling foreign keys.

Is there any way to accomplish this gracefully? I've got a working query which locks both tables and creates a temporary sequence to insert into the metadata.id and users.metadata_id but this seems brittle and I would need to start the sequence after the highest-existing ID in the metadata table, which isn't ideal.

I've also tried to use a data-modifying CTE with a RETURNING clause to update the users table, but couldn't get that to work.


  • You can't use returning here, since you need to keep track of the association of users and metadata while inserting.

    I think it is simpler to first pre-generate the metadata serial of each user in a CTE, using nextval(). You can then use that information to insert into metadata and update the users table:

        candidates as (
            select u.*, nextval(pg_get_serial_sequence('metadata', 'id')) new_metadata_id
            from users u
        inserted as (
            insert into metadata (id, data) overriding system value
            select new_metadata_id, info from candidates
    update users u
    set metadata_id = c.new_metadata_id
    from candidates c
    where c.id = u.id   

    We need the overriding system value clause in the insert statement so Postgres allows us to write to a serial column.

    Demo on DB Fiddle