
HelloCardboard sample :sdk not visible in Gradle

I am trying to run the Google Cardboard sample by following their guide:

However, I run into the same error mentioned in this guide. Their solution was:

You should click the "assemble" option under ":sdk", not the one under ":hellocardboard-android".

As shown below:

enter image description here

The following is the image of my window. I don't have the :hellocardboard-android or :sdk folders, just Tasks.enter image description here

So, is this the right assemble to be running? I am not sure how to see the other folders mentioned. If you have any clarifying questions let me know!

My full error:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Build command failed. Error while executing process C:\Users\Jonah\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\cmake\\bin\ninja.exe with arguments {-C O:\Dordt University Campus\hellocardboard-android.cxx\cmake\debug\armeabi-v7a cardboard_jni} ninja: Entering directory `O:\Dordt University Campus\hellocardboard-android.cxx\cmake\debug\armeabi-v7a'

ninja: error: '../../../../libraries/jni/armeabi-v7a/', needed by '../../../../build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/armeabi-v7a/', missing and no known rule to make it


  • It appears the problem had to do with the path having spaces, moving the project caused the proper folders to appear in the Gradle window.